Prepare with Faith, Family, and Friends

The traditional 18th-century Advent hymn, “Prepare the Royal Highway,” includes lyrics that point to both Christ’s coming to earth, as well as his Triumphal entry. Both of these events are critical moments in the life of Christ and in the Christian Church Year.

One of the most enjoyable parts of this holiday season is preparing for the festivities with family and friends. For this rendition of the hymn, I highlight two different sets of families, both literally and figuratively. 

The first recording features the Schneider Family Singers, accompanied by our organist Wendy Boehme. 

The second showcases the clarinet family, performed by the ensemble Storia Winds, made up of the Zepp Family (Richard, Jan, and Amy), as well as their dear friend Eileen Grace. 

It’s such a joy to make music together!

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