What is it like to be the non-musical parent of a budding musician? I couldn’t think of a better person to ask than my own amazing dad. Having attended countless violin recitals, orchestra concerts, and gigs, he’s been my number one supporter. A seasoned teacher and mentor, as well as a leader in his field, I decided to interview him to get his take on the world of music education.
Dad, what is it like to live with a houseful of musicians?
I think it’s a real privilege. Music has an incredible impact on peoples’ lives, and I’m the one that’s the recipient of it. I get to hear all this great art! When I think of the five best investments I’ve ever made in my life, they’re my kids.
In terms of music, Martin Luther once said, “Next to the word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure on earth. It controls our hearts, minds and spirits.” So for me to invest in lessons, the time commitment, the instruments, it’s paid off a hundredfold.
Growing up, you were a drummer yourself. What are some of your favorite memories from that experience?
First of all, I wouldn’t call myself a drummer. We’re talking junior high here. In my family, I have a brother-in-law who is a professor of percussion at Arkansas Tech. On the spectrum, I’m about a 0.1, but I enjoyed it. The rhythm wasn’t a problem. It was the pitch.
You’ve always encouraged us to work to achieve our dreams. What are some of your favorite quotes to encourage teachers?
Fortunately, I’ve had tremendous mentors and teachers over the years. One quote I appreciate is from Tom Landry, the late Cowboys football coach. “My job is to get men to do what they don’t want to do in order to achieve what they’ve always wanted to achieve.”
How many kids want to practice every day? Not many. But how many of them want to achieve great things? Most. How do we as teachers, coaches, and mentors convince these individuals to achieve what they want to achieve when they don’t want to practice? Often, they don’t want to put in the sweat, but anything worth doing requires sweat.
Another quote I love is from CS Lewis. He says, “There are no ordinary people. You and I have never talked to a mere mortal.” Some students, or medical residents, are harder to teach, but they are not ordinary. We need to keep in mind that even the students who aren’t the easiest are still important in God’s eyes. They may not have as much talent as somebody else, but we’re teaching the person, not just the skill set.
Dr. Stacy Peterson was born and raised in Wichita, Kansas, and has maintained his strong family roots in our community. His undergraduate degree is from Southern Methodist University and his doctorate of medicine is from the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas. He became board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery in 1989.
Dr. Peterson is a clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Wichita, Kansas, and is on staff at several area hospitals. He is licensed in both Kansas and Texas.
Dr. Peterson specializes in the state-of-the-art techniques, maintaining his education by attending numerous seminars and specialty meetings yearly. He is the current Kansas State Representative for the Christian Medical & Dental Association and the Kansas State Director for the Academy of Medical Ethics.
In addition to maintaining a busy private practice, Dr. Peterson enjoys spending time with his wife Allison, their five daughters, and six grandchildren. He is an avid University of Kansas sports fan, loves to read, and spends some of his free time helping out on his family’s farm.
Dr. Peterson was voted Best Plastic Surgeon Doctor in Wichita Kansas from 2007-2019.
What a wonderful interview, l’am very proud of you all as a family, as individuals, as Christians. I know for sure that our Lord is guiding you through this amazing process and blessings. Love you all in Jesus name, Amen.