A fun, simple addition to your music studio this New Year is an abacus! I just purchased the GYBBER&MUMU Wooden Abucus although you could use any abacus you prefer. I wanted something students could use in order to count their violin drill passages. I liked the detachable one better than the other options because I can give a row containing 10 counting beads to each of my students. For a five-year-old, I make her practice the passage five times, for a six-year-old—six times, etc. After age 10, I usually let them stick with 10 times. Now there’s no excuse for students not to practice their drills!
The abacus can also be helpful for student vs. teacher games. For example: if the student keeps a certain position correct throughout the song, they move a bead of their color. If they don’t, the teacher gets to move their color bead. At the end of the lesson, whoever has the most beads wins! (Maybe That person wins a candy, sticker, etc.) Stay tuned for new music tips this year!
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