A year ago, I had the privilege of returning to my Alma Mater to attend my youngest sister’s collegiate senior recital. The entire performance was phenomenal! I was such a proud big sister. Her professor, Dr. Eka Gogichashvili, taught all four of my sisters and me over a sixteen-year time span.… Read More...
Bon Voyage
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” –André Gide

We live in an unusual time when one of our favorite pastimes, travel, isn’t a viable option. We can barely leave our homes, let alone travel abroad. During this time of confinement, I wanted to virtually relive my travel memories.… Read More...
The Other French Sister

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to perform a faculty recital entitled “An American Taste of Paris” at both the university where I taught and at the Fondation des Etats-Unis in Paris, France. The pianist, a Franco-American colleague of mine, introduced me to two short, relatively obscure French pieces—“Nocturne” (1911) and “Cortège” (1914), which captured my fancy. … Read More...